“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.”

John F. Kennedy


My Dad loved to sail.

I suppose it’s not surprising knowing he was born on an island. A big island mind you.

Jack Desmond Wordsworth (1923 – 2010) was born in Woolige, Kent, England.

Jack Wordsworth

We immigrated to Canada in 1953. We sailed to Canada on a large Canadian Pacific passenger ship.

Once he became settled my father was able to purchase a sailboat. I am grateful that I could sail with my Dad for almost 4 decades.

john wordsworth sailor

John Wordsworth – sailor

We owned a total of seven different sailboats together.

Our first was a Shark Sail Number 1093.

Like many sailors, my Dad had “Footitis”. This expression can have various descriptions and it is not in fact a physical disease. “Footitis” refers to the need for a sailboat owner to move up to a newer sailboat, one that is in fact ‘one foot’ longer. It goes by various definitions including “Two-Footitis”, for those sailors who feel they would be truly content, if they had a boat just two feet longer.

As you can see from the photographs my Dad and I were able to graduate to bigger sailboats over time. Each time our skill level and knowledge of sailing technique increased and I believe this continued life-long learning may one of the contributing factors to my Dad still being so mentally sharp at the age of 87.

The last sailboat we owned together was “Rufus”, a CS 34. Jack was very much my mentor in sailing, in business, and in life.

There are few feelings as exciting and inspiring as feeling the movement of a boat, brought about by the simple, natural blowing of the wind. Sailing can teach us a lot about life and I am grateful that was able to share so much of this with my Dad.

John Wordsworth on sailboat

There is nothing like soaking up the sun on the water on a summer day.