I am all about seasons. As June 21st is almost here we are in summer. Well, Florida has seasons but not like Canada. Here is a picture of Janet, Jessica and myself at the wharf in Florida. If it hits 60 degrees in Florida, the residents wear winter apparel.

John Wordsworth family outside in Florida I love the fall, it is so special. I sit on my porch and see how the trees slowly go to sleep. Once an abundance of life, they change colour and they say goodbye to the spring. They awaken after hibernation and show us a burst of flowers.

Outside my Northern home Trumpet Swans come back every spring. They are the largest in the swan family. They are protected birds. In the 20th century they were overhunted. Every year I watch the abundance of their nesting; a true sign of spring. To see their ducklings is another experience which I will elaborate on in the future.

Trumpter swan John Wordsworth cottage

Four seasons: Winter (keep warm), Spring (sullen rains bring us a host of daffodils), Summer (family time with barbeques and just simple, great times), Fall (we are back on our porch as winter will soon come again).

Four seasons; they are guaranteed in life. As the sun sets, it will return tomorrow.

John Wordsworth with Jessica and daffodils

Here’s Jessica with our celebration of spring – daffodils!

Jessica with daffodils