Sometimes exploring old family photo albums has unintended consequences. Some of us get inspired to work our way up the family tree, even going as far as taking DNA tests to see what mysteries lie in our ancestors’ past.

My time in the family albums has certainly brought back many fond memories, and recollections of people lost to history.

What I’m intrigued with is those rogue photos that you find where you just can’t identify who is in them.

You know they’re very likely family members, or at least people close to family, because, well, they’re in the family photo album. The challenge, though, is that when those family members 30 years, or 50 years, or 90 years ago put those photos in the albums it was obvious to them who the individuals were, so they felt no explanation was required.

What they forgot though was this concept of the passage of time. Of the photo album being passed down from generation to another, from one part of the family to another.

These photos are some from my younger years where I just cannot place the other kids that are in it with me. I certainly recognize my sister Hazel seated here to my right. The girls look like they’re dressed up for a special occasion. That’s me and Hazel in the middle

John and Hazel Wordsworth with friends

In the next photo, there are two other kids I’m afraid I don’t recognize. I’m thinking maybe a friend of my mom’s, or a neighbour.

John and Hazel Wordsworth with mom and friends

Hazel is second on the left next to my mom, and I’m on the sitting on the floor.

This family must have been pretty good friends because here they are again, this time with us perched on a big 1950’s car from back in the day of lots of chrome.

Is that a Drive Through Movie screen in the background? We were going to the movie?

Hazel is second from the left and I’m last on the right.

John and Hazel Wordsworth on a car in the 60s

Time clouds these memories. Old photo albums remind us of the great experiences we’ve had through our lives, some of which we can’t even remember directly. Maybe if I keep looking at them long enough there’ll be some recognition as to who these mystery people are.

There are so many unintended results of journeying through old photo albums, all of which make them well worth the trip.