As Dickens said in “A Tale of Two Cities”, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’ Or at least in our case, it is the weirdest of times. This pandemic is indeed a strange time.

Some cities are having Trick or Treating for Halloween, some are banning it, and for those areas having kids roam the streets with costumes and treat bags, technically the people handing out the candy should be wearing masks. Strange indeed.

Wordsworth front door with pumpkin

In the case of my Golden Retrievers Acer and Odus, these are definitely the best of times.

Life goes on pretty much as normal for the boys, with walks and meals and hanging out with me.

They do love their treats, which in our case is cheese. Nothing can make their day like some cheese.

In terms of their requirement of doing tricks for their treats, that’s an on-going thing, not just at Halloween.

They do lots of fun tricks like “Shake a paw” and “Roll over.”

They’re also pretty talented at closing and opening doors, especially the kitchen door. Not surprising considering eating is one of their favourite pastimes.

Like so many dogs they do like to get into mischief which we’d rather they not. Anything not fastened down can be fair game to them, from shoes to stuff on the bedside table. It’s like having a toddler in the house. And one can’t forget their seemingly routine encounters with skunks which we could really do without. These are not tricks they are rewarded for.

They have established their pecking order at bedtime with Acer taking the prime spot on our bed, and Odus sleeping on the floor with his ‘blankey’. Odus probably just prefers to have more space and not be disturbed by others rolling over… in this case as part of their sleep as opposed to a rewardable trick.

In the spirit of Halloween the new addition to the Wordsworth family, Odus, stole the cover to the pumpkin. Now that getting into the spirit of things! The best of times indeed.

Odus and Acer hanging out

a golden retriever

ready to get into mischief

Odus and Acer together

exhausted from a workout

pumpkins for halloween